Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Action Research Plan...a Work In Progress

I must say, this week has been long...and it is only Tuesday (I think).  I have sat for more hours the past few days than I think I have in a lifetime...just sayin!

Anyway, I have read, reread, reread, pondered, wondered, and have now seen others' great work.  I have put together what I think is the correct format for my action plan, but you never know.  I guess that is why I am so glad I have bought into this whole blogging thing, because you people are what keep me going and remind me of what is important.

After reviewing comments from some wonderful peers, I looked a little deeper into my original thoughts for action research.  I talked with my site supervisor a little more in depth today and we tweaked my idea some.  I already use "The Daily Five" in my classroom and my kids absolutely LOVE it.  I love the excitement in their eyes and bodies when they know it is time for "Daily Five".  However, I have never sat down and reflected at how powerful of a tool it is nor how truly beneficial it is to my students' achievement.  Therefore, I thought I would still really want to evaluate the impact of technology on reading fluency, but I want to take it a step further to really research and gather data to validate if using two of the Daily Five components ("Read to Someone" and "Listening to Reading") truly does make a difference in students' fluency levels.  I am hoping that the data I gather throughout the remainder of the year will be proof enough to allow me to share my findings with other members of our faculty who are reluctant to use the Daily Five.  AND, then get them on board to help me gather more data next school year.  Wish me luck!

Now, as promised, here is my Action Plan...of course, still a work in progress.

Action Planning Template
Goal: Assess the impact of Daily Five reading and listening components on student achievement.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Obtain administrators permission to conduct an action research plan on a first grade classroom.

Jennifer Schultz
Teresa Rogers
Alan Reaves
March 18-22, 2013
Signed documentation giving approval to conduct the research plan.
Obtain parental consent to conduct an action research plan with students.

Jennifer Schultz

Classroom parents
March 18-22, 2013
Signed documentation giving approval to conduct the research plan.
Analyze latest first grade assessments

Jennifer Schultz
March 18-22, 2013
- Benchmarks
- DRA (on students’ reading level)
- Student
Spreadsheet of student data
Review Daily Five components: (“Read to Someone” and “Listening to Reading”) and appropriate use of iPads/iPods
Jennifer Schultz

First Grade Students
March 18-22, 2013
- Daily Five posters
- iPods
- iPads
Field notes on students’ understanding of Daily Five components
Identify and load apps to use during Listening to Reading

Jennifer Schultz
March 18-22, 2013
- iPods
- iPads
- App store
- spreadsheet
Spreadsheet of apps
Identify appropriate reading level texts and record teacher(s) reading books onto iPods/iPads
Jennifer Schultz

Adults (teachers, administrators) on campus
March 18-24, 2013
- iPods
- iPads
- additional adults to read
- appropriate reading level texts

Review of student reading levels
Review of appropriate books
Create “Read to Someone” partner list
Jennifer Schultz
March 18-24, 2013
- class list
Spreadsheet of buddy readers
Introduce Daily Five (“Read to Someone” and “Listening to Reading”) reflection sheets
Jennifer Schultz

First grade students
March 25, 2013
- Listening to Reading reflection sheet
- Read to Someone reflection sheet
Anecdotal notes on students’ abilities to easily understand reflection sheets
Obtain teacher anecdotal records, literature reviews, student data (running records-midway)
Jennifer Schultz
March 25-May 24, 2013
-anecdotal records
-running record forms (on students’ reading level
Field notes on monitoring and discussion with students
Conduct Post-test assessment
Jennifer Schultz
May 27-31, 2013
- Benchmarks
Spreadsheet of student data
Conduct student survey
Jennifer Schultz

First grade students
May 27-31, 2013
- Paper Survey
- Survey Monkey (?)
- ActiVotes
Spreadsheet of data and graphs to show comparison
Analyze data from assessment
Jennifer Schultz
May 2013
- Benchmarks

-Spreadsheet of student data
-Graphs of relationship data
Share project findings with administration
Jennifer Schultz
Teresa Rogers
Alan Reaves
June 2013
-Action Research
-Power Point
-Literature Review
Collected review and evaluation form on presentation


  1. I am currently a 2nd grade math/science teacher; however, I used to be self contained and utilized Daily 5 as well. I was never quite sure if it was benefiting the kids or if they were just staying busy. Your plan looks well thought out and detailed. I will be anxious to see your outcomes & will continue to follow you.

  2. I am excited to follow your research plan. I also teach first grade and have a heard a lot of good things about the daily five. We currently haven't studied t and implemented it but I would love to see your results in how it effects reading and fluency. Maybe we could implement it at or school and I could use your findings to create teacher buy in!! Your research plan was very thorough in how you plan to implement your project and I look forward to seeing details on what readings you load to the iPads!! Way to go and I am eager to see the success in your action research!

    1. Katye, I absolutely LOVE the Daily Five program. It is easy to use in the classroom, students get to choose what they want to do and I am not constantly making copies for a center. I love looking around my room and seeing students engaged in different activities and it is an activity they know will help the "to be a better reader and writer." What I have loved most, is when I hear my students pause the CD, turn and begin discussing what has happened in the story so far (beginning, characters, setting, plot). it is amazing how they guide themselves. I am so eager to truly put my finger on if the two particular components truly do make a difference. I will keep you posted.

  3. I look forward to reviewing your research. I'm a kindergarten teacher and I've implemented Daily 5 in the past. I have also used Super Centers. I was using Daily 5 until a few weeks ago. My students struggled with read to self, read to someone, and writing so I just called it quits last week. My class this year is so diverse that it's hard to meet everyone's needs. Last week, I started Reading and Writer's Workshop. It's the same concept as Daily 5, however I pull groups to work on guided reading and/or writing while the others are doing independent on level activities. Next week, will be week two but after a few days I saw an improvement. I think Daily 5 is great, however it just didn't work for the group I have this year.

  4. Our campus currently does not use Daily Five but I can see how it could improve students reading and fluency. I look forward to seeing how it is utilized at your campus and your results. Are you going to be only downloading books for the IPADS or also including aps?

    1. I intend to download books, record my own readings of books, and include apps. The kids love the iPads and iPods.

  5. Great plan! You did a great job on the lay out, and adding in the appropriate information. I really like the Daily Five! I've never heard of it. Something that I would love to try out in my own classroom.

  6. Your plan looks great, Jennifer! I use my iPad for reading/language arts and math with the majority of my students I work with. They get so excited when they see me carrying my iPad when I walk through the door. However, like you, I do not know of the exact benefit the iPad plays in my student's achievement levels. Good luck with your project and I can't wait to see how it turns out.

  7. Nice layout and action plan Jennifer, it looks great and very detailed. Can't wait to follow your research.

  8. Jennifer, your action research plan looks pretty solid! I'm interested in following your plan, I'm not very familiar with the Daily Five. Is it just for lower grade students or upper grades as well? I'm looking forward to your results! I'm thinking this could be something that I could propose to implement at my campus for the next school year. Best of luck with your research plan!

  9. Jennifer, you are not alone in the reading, re-reading and then reading again. There is a lot of work that goes into writing about what you are going to do. I am the kind of person who likes to just get out and do it instead of write about it. This course has taught me to look deeper into the work that I am doing, so I can verbalize it better. Hopefully this lesson will stick. I have been struggling with whether or not my plan was done right, but now that I see what it should look like, I feel more confident about posting mine. You have great plan in place. Good luck with the research.

  10. I am going to comment tomorrow. I am still trying to finish assignment.

  11. Wow! Great job! I am one of the ELA program coordinators for Region 5, so I have had the great opportunity to see the Daily Five in action. In fact, I was in as classroom last week, and I saw the exact thing you mentioned. There was a pair of students who stopped the CD and began to talk with one another about what was happening! I think it's awesome! I look forward to learning about your findings in your research! If you need anything along the way, please let me know!

  12. Jennifer,

    Love it! the daily 5 sounds awesome! I know that my kids would love to get to be apart of an activity like that, and I believe that reading to kids really makes a difference. I am excited about following your research and hearing about what your results are. You action plan looks very solid and well thought out. It looks like you kept it simple which many of us lose sight of. I like that your final presentation is a power point. I can't wait to hear more.

  13. I love that you added the daily 5 into your plan. As you k now we are doing similar projects and I am concerned that we are not going to have enough time. What do you think? I may try to double up on some of the action steps to have a little more time to collect data. Good luck and keep me posted!

  14. I like that you will conduct your research on one classroom of first graders. By keeping your sample small, you should be able to drill the data down and get some great information. Love the idea of the Daily 5. I'm not familiar with it, but it sounds great! Good luck with your project!
