Friday, September 27, 2013

Changes Are Inevitable...Apparently?

Well, so much has happened since my last post.  I had gotten well under way with researching and locating information related to my action research plan.  Then, over the summer, our administration completely changed and our district representatives decided that every primary age classroom would utilize the same phonics program.  This lead me to realize that it would be difficult to track data and gain understanding of relationships/differences among several phonics programs.

So, I then met my new administration and they are fabulous.  They have taken on the mentorship role and I have already learned so much more.  I have been talking with my new principal and we were discussing the fact that our district has resorted to using an online reading screener for all grade level students, K-5, in order to evaluate reading progress for students.  We have already seen how this is not working for all students, in that many are treating the screener as if it is a game.  Students are completing the screener in a matter of minutes.  Therefore, we are now wandering if the data gathered is going to be valid.  Many of our students are in the RTI process and it is unheard of that we will only utilize this new screener as a determination of student reading skills.  I would like to further my gatherings by determining how closely the reading screener and the actual face-to-face reading assessment (DRA) are related.  I would like to know if this screener is going to provide valid information for teachers, parents, administration, and students.

Now I sit here, tired and overwhelmed knowing I am starting over.  However, I know that flexibility is the key to learning and patience is a virtue.  Off too write up another Action Research Plan.....